Our journey into the captivating history of India begins in the year 1526 AD. We’re about to uncover the key moments that have influenced India’s growth and identity. From powerful empires to important events, we’ll explore the past that has made India what it is today. So, let’s dive into this adventure through time and learn about the remarkable stories that have shaped India’s history, step by step.

16th Century:

  • 1526: April 20 – First Battle of Panipat; Babur establishes the Mughal Empire in India.
  • 1530: November 24 – Death of Babur; Humayun becomes the Mughal emperor.
  • 1540: Sher Shah Suri establishes the Sur Empire after defeating Humayun.
  • 1556: February 3 – Death of Humayun; Akbar becomes the Mughal emperor.
  • 1565: January 23 – Battle of Talikota; Vijayanagara Empire faces defeat.
  • 1582: Akbar ascends the Mughal throne at the age of 14.

17th Century:

  • 1600: The English East India Company is granted a royal charter for trade with India.
  • 1615: Thomas Roe arrives at the Mughal court, seeking trade privileges.
  • 1620: Construction of the Taj Mahal begins in Agra.
  • 1639: April 23 – The British East India Company obtains Madras (Chennai) on lease.
  • 1658: July 31 – Aurangzeb becomes the Mughal emperor after imprisoning his father, Shah Jahan.
  • 1675: November 11 – Execution of Guru Tegh Bahadur, the ninth Sikh Guru.
  • 1686: Shivaji captures the Mughal fort of Gingee.
  • 1699: March 30 – Guru Gobind Singh establishes the Khalsa Panth.

18th Century:

  • 1707: March 3 – Death of Aurangzeb; Mughal Empire starts to decline.
  • 1720: Treaty of Nissa signed between Mughals and Persians.
  • 1748: First Carnatic War begins between the British and the French in India.
  • 1757: June 23 – Battle of Plassey; British East India Company gains control over Bengal.
  • 1764: Battle of Buxar; British consolidate their influence in northern India.
  • 1772: Warren Hastings becomes the Governor-General of India, initiating administrative reforms.
  • 1784: Establishment of the Asiatic Society of Bengal by Sir William Jones.
  • 1799: May 4 – The Fourth Anglo-Mysore War ends with the fall of Tipu Sultan.

19th Century:

  • 1806: The Vellore Mutiny takes place against British rule.
  • 1818: The Marathas are defeated by the British in the Third Anglo-Maratha War.
  • 1835: Formation of the Indian Railways Association in London.
  • 1853: April 16 – First passenger train in India runs between Bombay (Mumbai) and Thane.
  • 1857: May 10 – The Indian Rebellion (Sepoy Mutiny) begins in Meerut.
  • 1858: August 15 – India comes under direct British Crown rule after the Rebellion is suppressed.
  • 1877: Queen Victoria is proclaimed Empress of India.
  • 1885: December 28 – Indian National Congress is founded in Bombay.

20th Century:

  • 1905: Partition of Bengal is announced by Lord Curzon.
  • 1915: Mahatma Gandhi returns to India and becomes a leader in the Indian Nationalist Movement.
  • 1919: April 13 – Jallianwala Bagh massacre occurs in Amritsar.
  • 1920: Non-Cooperation Movement is launched by Mahatma Gandhi.
  • 1930: March 12 – Gandhi leads the Salt March against the British salt tax.
  • 1942: August 8 – Launch of the Quit India Movement against British rule.
  • 1947: August 15 – India gains independence from British rule.
  • 1948: January 30 – Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi.


  • 1950: January 26 – India becomes a republic with the adoption of the Constitution.
  • 1951: First Five-Year Plan is launched for India’s economic development.
  • 1962: October 20 – Sino-Indian War erupts over border disputes.
  • 1966: Indira Gandhi becomes the first woman Prime Minister of India.
  • 1971: December 3 – India-Pakistan War leads to the creation of Bangladesh.
  • 1974: May 18 – India conducts a successful nuclear test in Pokhran.
  • 1984: Operation Blue Star is carried out at the Golden Temple in Amritsar.
  • 1991: Economic reforms and liberalization policies are introduced.

21st Century:

  • 2002: Gujarat riots result in significant communal violence.
  • 2008: November 26 – Mumbai terrorist attacks shock the nation.
  • 2010: Commonwealth Games are held in Delhi.
  • 2014: May 26 – Narendra Modi becomes the Prime Minister of India.
  • 2019: August 5 – Article 370 of the Indian Constitution is revoked, altering Jammu and Kashmir’s special status.
  • 2020: The COVID-19 pandemic impacts India and the world, leading to significant challenges.

This expanded timeline offers a comprehensive overview of Indian history from 1526 AD onwards, with specific dates for key events that have shaped the nation’s journey through the centuries.

Detailed Summary

Here’s a detailed summary of the timeline of Indian history from 1526 AD onwards:

Our exploration through the timeline of Indian history commences in 1526 AD, a pivotal year marked by the establishment of the Mughal Empire after Babur’s triumph in the First Battle of Panipat. This event sets the stage for a series of significant developments that shape India’s course over the centuries.

As the 16th century unfolds, we witness the rise of other potent forces. The Sur Empire emerges under Sher Shah Suri’s leadership, while Akbar’s reign ushers in an era of cultural and administrative excellence within the Mughal dynasty. Battles and transitions paint the canvas of the 17th century. The English East India Company’s presence grows, impacting trade and influence, and the construction of the iconic Taj Mahal begins.

The 18th century sees a spectrum of changes, ranging from the decline of the Mughal Empire to the consolidation of British power. The battles of Plassey and Buxar signify the East India Company’s dominance, while administrative reforms and treaties redefine India’s political landscape. As the 19th century dawns, the Indian Rebellion of 1857 marks a turning point against British rule, and the Indian National Congress emerges as a prominent voice for change.

The 20th century brings seismic shifts in the struggle for independence. Nonviolent movements, iconic figures like Mahatma Gandhi, and pivotal events such as the Quit India Movement shape India’s path to freedom in 1947. The post-independence era witnesses the formulation of India’s Constitution, economic reforms, and geopolitical challenges.

The 21st century ushers in an age of globalization and technological advancement, with India playing a significant role on the global stage. However, challenges like terrorism, communal tensions, and the COVID-19 pandemic underscore the complexity of India’s modern journey.

In essence, this detailed timeline illustrates the dynamic and multifaceted nature of Indian history. It is a narrative woven with triumphs, struggles, cultural richness, and a quest for identity. From the Mughal Empire’s grandeur to the birth of the Indian National Congress, the timeline presents a mosaic of events that have shaped India’s destiny. As we navigate this chronicle, we gain insights into the past that illuminate the path forward, reminding us that history is an eternal companion on India’s ever-evolving journey.

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