general awareness

List of Countries and their National Games

This article covers about the list of countries and their national games. Countries and their National Games. List of Country-Wise National Games. National Games of all Countries in the world.

Info and Importance

Any sport which is designated as the national sport of a country is either based on popularity or holds a historical connection from that

2023-08-27T11:37:45+05:30October 16th, 2022|Categories: General Awareness, India|Tags: , , |0 Comments

List of International Organizations and their Headquartes

This article covers about the list of international organizations and their headquarters along with founded years.

Info and Importance

International organizations are governed under international laws. Defense, peace and effective trade relations among countries is a prominent priority of these organizations. These organizations also provide funds to the member countries to help in their development. There are

2023-08-27T15:15:19+05:30October 2nd, 2022|Categories: General Awareness, World|Tags: , , |0 Comments

List of Sports Stadiums in India

This article covers about the list of sports stadiums in India.

Info and Importance

There are many stadiums in India for different sports. The most stadiums are for Cricket, Hockey, Football, etc. Generally questions asked on sports stadiums  are about their locations like city, state etc or sports related to the stadiums. Sometimes history event questions related

2022-10-02T14:31:25+05:30September 30th, 2022|Categories: India|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Indian states and their capitals

In this article, you will learn about Indian states and their capitals.

Info and Importance

Indian Constitution gives the power to the central government to form different states and union territories in the country. There are 28 states and 8 Union Territories in India. Each state of India has an administrative, legislative and judicial capital. The tradition,

2022-09-28T12:42:59+05:30September 28th, 2022|Categories: India|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Countries and their Currencies

In this article, you will learn about countries and their currencies being used.

Info and Importance

Currency is issued by the government, it is also called legal tender. There are more than 200 countries. All these countries have different currencies. The most popular currencies in the world are the dollar, pound, euro, dinar, rial, yen etc. It

2023-08-27T15:15:30+05:30September 27th, 2022|Categories: General Awareness, World|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Longest Rivers in the World

Rivers provide cheap and efficient inland transport for trade and commerce. They help cities and towns to carry their wastes.  Rivers are not just areas of important biodiversity and home to endangered wildlife, they are also vitally important for the human race. Modern agriculture in some areas is still reliant on natural rivers. There are a lot

2023-08-27T15:18:43+05:30September 25th, 2022|Categories: General Awareness, World|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Books and Authors

Books have been great medium to express views and thoughts. Books are also written to record historical events, experiences, achievements etc. Books are really good friend. we will learn about some immortal books and their genius authors which impacted major portions of societies and documented all the marvels of World. There are a lot of

2023-08-27T15:18:55+05:30September 23rd, 2022|Categories: General Awareness, Miscellaneous GK|Tags: , , |0 Comments

List of all Countries and their Capitals

The capital of a country is region where generally government is located. It acts as the head of the state. Capitals are often the most populous of a country’s cities. It is the prime center for all government-related services or offices. A capital can also be a sign of political compromise. The administration of the country

2023-08-27T15:19:17+05:30September 22nd, 2022|Categories: General Awareness, World|Tags: , , |0 Comments

List of National Animals of Countries

National animal is a symbol of the country. These animals symbolize a characteristic that the country believes itself to possess. Some countries also select animals as national animal on the basis of their culture. Some countries have even more than one national animals. National animals not only represent culture of countries but heritage also. So, today

2023-08-27T15:19:41+05:30September 21st, 2022|Categories: General Awareness, World|Tags: , , |0 Comments

List of National Flowers of all Countries

In mostly countries flowers have been chosen as symbols to represent specific geographic areas. They tend to represent the different geographical locations to which they or their species belong. In some countries national flowers are conferred by government bodies, whereas in other countries selection is the result of informal public polls. In countries like Canada

2023-08-27T15:08:02+05:30September 19th, 2022|Categories: General Awareness, World|Tags: , , , |0 Comments
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