Miscellaneous GK

Companies with Complete Names

Welcome to the insightful article titled “Companies with Complete Names.” In the vast landscape of businesses and corporations, the names they adopt often hold significant meaning and reflect their identity, purpose, or origin. In this exploration, we delve into a collection of companies that have chosen complete names – ones that convey a sense of

2023-08-26T23:11:35+05:30August 26th, 2023|Categories: Miscellaneous GK|Tags: |0 Comments

Books and Authors

Books have been great medium to express views and thoughts. Books are also written to record historical events, experiences, achievements etc. Books are really good friend. we will learn about some immortal books and their genius authors which impacted major portions of societies and documented all the marvels of World. There are a lot of

2023-08-27T15:18:55+05:30September 23rd, 2022|Categories: General Awareness, Miscellaneous GK|Tags: , , |0 Comments

List of scientific discoveries and discoverers

Inventions and discoveries have changed the world drastically. These inventions and discoveries made our life better. Starting from the discovery of fire and the invention of the wheel, the world has seen wonders in the space of inventions and discoveries. The list of Inventions and Discoveries is also an important topic with respect to the

List of Important Days and Dates: National & International Days Month-Wise

List of Important Days and Dates : Each month nationally or internationally has some important days and events. These days and dates are recognized to commemorate and honour the things which happened. Here we have compiled the list of important days and dates on the basis of events and festivals in India as well as

2023-08-27T15:11:35+05:30September 16th, 2022|Categories: General Awareness, Miscellaneous GK|Tags: |0 Comments
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